She is gone and I am here

So, Brodi is gone.  Headed down to Las Vegas.  Without me.  Brodi is headed down to the Las Vegas to be a part of the Vegas Valley Book Festival (website is here).  If you have nothing to do and you want to drive to Vegas, you can see such fabulous YA authors such as Bree Despain, Emily Wing Smith, Lisa Shroeder, Becca Fitzpatrick, James Dashner, Lindsey Leavitt, Stephanie Perkins and many, many others.  It should be awesome.  Brodi is hosting the Paranormal Ball where she will be dressing up as Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  Actually, she won't, but that would have been cool.

So I know that you are all asking, 'What will Sam do this weekend?'  Let me tell you!  I have big plans for today.  I will work, pick up kids from school and then probably clean the house.  Tonight, I just may do laundry.  But I may save that for tomorrow to bring some excitement to my Saturday.  Tomorrow, I will also be doing a bunch of little projects around the house.  Watching some football games.  Probably have a dance contest in my house (you are all invited!!) later in the afternoon.  I will probably have to re-clean on Sunday.  Twice.

So party on!  Brodi wins and I win.  Hope you all have a rockin' weekend.  If you decide to come to my dance party, please bring gifts and food.  We can't survive on Top Ramen alone for the entire  weekend.  If you have any ideas on some awesome things for me to do this weekend, let me know.  If you have any awesome plans for your weekend, feel free to rub it in and let me know as well.