Let's All Make A Christmas Book List

Thank you for helping me reach 100 followers! 
New Follower Jenny Jackson asked what being a follower means, as in, what does she get out of it? Well, let me tell you: Not a darn thing.

I guess you get the ease of knowing when I have a new post up, but since I post pretty regularly on the same three days, I don't know how much good that is. I don't really have any newsletters. You don't get your picture in the local paper. And there is no fruit-of-the-month delivery.

But what you do get is a case of the warm fuzzies. (Cases of warm fuzzies were on sale at Wal-Mart, so I've got a bunch left over). 

Let's Start the Annual Book Gift List
I went to Author Palooza at a local B&N last night, and it got me thinking about book recommendations for Christmas Gifts.

So today I'm going to start a list of my favorites and I want everyone to contribute. I know I've talked about these books before, but we're gonna compile them all in one place so people all over the world can come to one post... this post... for their Christmas needs.

I'll start with the obvious:

Hunger Games and the sequel Catching Fire. (Dark Dystopian)

If I Stay. (Realistic, Literary)

The Dark Divine. (Take on the Prodigal Son with a Paranormal Twist)
(Available Dec. 22nd)

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian. (View Discretion Advised. Written by one of my favorite people of all time, Sherman Alexie)

Shiver. (Werewolves)

Beautiful Creatures. (Don't know yet, haven't finished reading. But enjoying it so far.)

Keturah and Lord Death (Fantasy. Your old "Girl Meets Boy. Boy is Death. Girl tries to Fall in Love with Someone Else...)

So, what's on your list? What are your faves? What are you planning on reading?