In Which I lose my bid for Re-Election... and Who Knew Caucuses could be so Fun?

I lost my delegate bid last night at our neighborhood caucus.

It's okay though, because lemme explain my caucus. Usually our numbers are sparse at these things, especially for my particular party in my particular state. Most of our caucuses (or cauci?) are held in a janitor's closet with overflow room in a refrigerator box.

At the caucus two years ago, there were like three of us. We needed two delegates, so Diane nominated me and I nominated Diane, and Mike voted for both of us.  And then the janitor cast the deciding vote.

But last night, there was a huge crowd in the Skyline High School cafeteria and things got a little spicy.

I don't want to get all political on my blog, so I'll try to use a secret code:

Igniting Incident 1:
Our local Congressman (We'll call him "Jimmy") is a Shmemocrat, even though his district is mostly Freepublican.
"Jimmy" cracked corn...

Said local Congressman voted against a very recent bill dealing with Stealth Scare Perform.

Of course, the Shmemocrats in his district are very mad about this.

Igniting Incident 2:
Neighbor "Jane" decided to run against him, even though she's in the same party.
Jane- ready for a fight

Incident 3:
Out of all the 300 attendees, sitting at all the 30 tables, in all the cafeteria, in all the world, "Jane" and "Jimmy's representative" were sitting at our little precinct table.


At one point "Jimmy's representative" gets up to address the whole crowd, and defend "Jimmy's" vote, and the loudest heckling comes from our table. (Not from me. I don't heckle unless I'm in a Twilight movie. At this point I was really just wishing I was home watching American Idol.) 

Then Jimmy's representative has to return to sitting at our table so we can hold court and vote for delegates. Here's a recap:

So yeah, I didn't nominate myself this year. I've served my term. It's someone else's turn, especially since this year might be the year rotten fruit is thrown. And I don't eat fruit.