My Year in Review: Publishing Highs and Lows, and How Much I owe to the Booby Jar

A Christmas Poem... a.k.a. Rhyming is, like, really really hard

My Thoughts after Pressing Send on my Revisions

How this round of Revisions is like Slaying Newborn Bunnies... and not in the good way

Do you Speak Pirate? Yes? Now my Book will be Available in Pirate!

Call me! (I'm talking to you... Yes, you!) Writers, join us for a conference call to learn about Breaking into the Business, and other stuff

My Monday Top Five: Including an Agent with Superpowers, and the answer to Which Jane Austen Character am I?

Latest Conclusions about Revising, and Proof that the Revisions have gone to my Brain

An Update on The War on Christmas... The Insurgents Strike Back

Questions from the Question-Maker. Topic, Revisions

Second Revision Letter, Shorter than the First... And my Blog has a new Dress

One Last thing I'm Thankful For... And Compiling a Holiday Book List