Don't forget to vote on my book title! (My niece Lily is hosting the vote...)
Mother of the Year status:
In a moment of sheer stupidity, I taught my 6-year old son the joy of answering questions with this little gem:
"I know you are, but what am I?"
Seriously, at this point I really am wondering, what AM I? What was I thinking?
Me: "Carter, do you want spaghetti?"
Carter: "I know you are spaghetti, but what am I?"
Followed by hysterical laughter. Repeat 200 times.
Tomorrow, we're working on "I'm rubber, you're glue..."
Anyone want a gently used 6-year old? For free?
For being shot in the neck, covered in a plastic sheet, buried alive and left for dead, the red-headed FBI chick sure has attitude problems. It's like she's never heard of Jack Bauer!
Favorite moment: Jack Bauer finally uses his awesome rep when the President asks him how she's supposed to know he's trustworthy.
"With all due respect, Madame President, ask around."
Dude, she just got Jack'ed!
We are hanging on to a serious cliff...
The coup has begun.
It was so refreshing to see Starbuck get back to her kick-butting roots. I'm hoping the conclusion will somehow involve these five ingredients:
1. Starbuck
2. Gaeta
3. Her foot
4. His bum
5. No windows and no doors
If Apollo never wears a tie again, it will be too soon. He needs to ditch the politics, loosen the tie, and get back to ... um... whatever it was he was doing before.

Anyone else think Admiral Adama is really the dying leader, and not the President?
Mother of the Year status:
In a moment of sheer stupidity, I taught my 6-year old son the joy of answering questions with this little gem:
"I know you are, but what am I?"
Seriously, at this point I really am wondering, what AM I? What was I thinking?
Me: "Carter, do you want spaghetti?"
Carter: "I know you are spaghetti, but what am I?"
Followed by hysterical laughter. Repeat 200 times.
Tomorrow, we're working on "I'm rubber, you're glue..."
Anyone want a gently used 6-year old? For free?
"With all due respect, Madame President, ask around."
Dude, she just got Jack'ed!
We are hanging on to a serious cliff...
The coup has begun.
It was so refreshing to see Starbuck get back to her kick-butting roots. I'm hoping the conclusion will somehow involve these five ingredients:
1. Starbuck
2. Gaeta
3. Her foot
4. His bum
5. No windows and no doors
If Apollo never wears a tie again, it will be too soon. He needs to ditch the politics, loosen the tie, and get back to ... um... whatever it was he was doing before.
Anyone else think Admiral Adama is really the dying leader, and not the President?