Book status: ummmmmm... book status's are overrated. Yeah.
Relationship with Newt status: couple's counseling
How about some more book gift ideas? BUY BOOKS FOR CHRISTMAS!
New Addition: Moonrat has a fabulous, fabulous book buying guide for every type of friend or family member! Check it out here.
The New York Times published its list of the top ten best books of 2008. Click here to read it!
Adult Suggestions From our Blog Readers:
1. THE ROAD by Cormac McCarthy. My husband is an avid reader, (are good readers ever described as anything else other than "avid"?) Anyway, THE ROAD was his favorite book of the year. And since he's married to me, of course the road is about a post-apocolyptic world, dystopian and dark. (Eden and I joke that everytime I tell her a new story idea, I always start out by saying, "Okay, so picture it. It's the end of the world, and most people are dead, and .... blah blah blah."
2. VEIL OF ROSES by Laura Fitzgerald (recommended by Cam and seconded by Shellie)From Publishers Weekly
In this pat but sweet attempt at FOB (fresh off the boat) chick lit, Tamila Soroush, a 27-year-old Iranian woman, flies to Tucson, Ariz., to stay with her older sister, Maryam (whom she hasn't seen in 15 years), and Maryam's orthopedic surgeon husband, Ardishir. Tami is there for a three-month stay, courtesy of a visa arranged by her loving parents, who want her to marry an Iranian with American citizenship and stay in the States. Tami concurs with this plan: "being married is a small price to pay if I can stay in the land of Opportunity." But on her way to her ESL class, Tami meets Ike, an affable American working at Starbucks while he raises money to open his own chain of coffee shops.
3. Hollows Series by Kim Harrison (recommended by Karin- she says if you can get past first 100 pages of first book, they are addicting). Start with DEAD WITCH WALKING. "The underground population of witches, vampires, werewolves—creatures of dreams and nightmares—has lived beside humans for centuries, hiding their powers. But after a genetically engineered virus wipes out a large part of humanity, many of the "Inderlanders" reveal themselves, changing everything.Rachel Morgan, witch and bounty hunter with the Inderland Runner Services, is one of the best at apprehending supernatural lawbreakers throughout Cincinnati, but when it comes to following the rules, she falls desperately short."
4. KITE RUNNER and A THOUSAND SPLENDID SUNS Khaled Hosseini (recommended by Cam) Review
In his debut novel, The Kite Runner, Khaled Hosseini accomplishes what very few contemporary novelists are able to do. He manages to provide an educational and eye-opening account of a country's political turmoil--in this case, Afghanistan--while also developing characters whose heartbreaking struggles and emotional triumphs resonate with readers long after the last page has been turned over. And he does this on his first try.
5. Sophie Kinsella novels. (recommended by Cam- Shopaholic series, chick lit). Start with Confessions of a Shopaholic. Review
If you've ever paid off one credit card with another, thrown out a bill before opening it, or convinced yourself that buying at a two-for-one sale is like making money, then this silly, appealing novel is for you. In the opening pages of Confessions of a Shopaholic, recent college graduate Rebecca Bloomwood is offered a hefty line of credit by a London bank. Within a few months, Sophie Kinsella's heroine has exceeded the limits of this generous offer, and begins furtively to scan her credit-card bills at work, certain that she couldn't have spent the reported sums.
I must give a shout out to my nieces and nephews. Do you wanna know the best thing about writing for Young Adults? They are so energetic! Those of you who know my family know I have, like, 426 nieces and nephews. Many are teens and pre-teens. Anyway, last night, they seriously made my entire existence!
(Reading new revised ending during Thanksgiving)

Most of them have now read my book, and at the family dinner table last night they got talking about it. No, talking isn't the right word. More like, they got gooing, and fighting, and laughing, and quoting favorite lines, and gnashing teeth when I mentioned a possible change to the title, and arguing about which ending is better and which boy is cuter, and casting the "movie" version of ECHO, and did I mention QUOTING LINES?
I have to admit, I sat back and watched the discussion, and deep inside I was sorta hoping fist-fights would ensue. There is no higher compliment than readers who feel strongly about the characters!
Seriously, I got home and my ego couldn't fit inside the door. And then my huge head got stuck in the ceiling, so eventually I gave up and just let myself float toward the sky. Honestly, if nothing else happens with this book, I will still feel complete!
Although, when I made a "Sleestaks" joke, they looked at me like I was insanely old, which helped bring me back down to earth. So for all of you who have chosen to block those cherished memories of the best television show of the eighties, or for those of you who are too young to know what I'm talking about, enjoy the following video. And take note of the stellar special effects!
See if you can find:
1. Chaka
2. Sleestak
3. Very Realistic Dinosaur
Krofft Kwikies - Land of the Lost "Sleestak God"
Relationship with Newt status: couple's counseling
How about some more book gift ideas? BUY BOOKS FOR CHRISTMAS!
New Addition: Moonrat has a fabulous, fabulous book buying guide for every type of friend or family member! Check it out here.
The New York Times published its list of the top ten best books of 2008. Click here to read it!
Adult Suggestions From our Blog Readers:

In this pat but sweet attempt at FOB (fresh off the boat) chick lit, Tamila Soroush, a 27-year-old Iranian woman, flies to Tucson, Ariz., to stay with her older sister, Maryam (whom she hasn't seen in 15 years), and Maryam's orthopedic surgeon husband, Ardishir. Tami is there for a three-month stay, courtesy of a visa arranged by her loving parents, who want her to marry an Iranian with American citizenship and stay in the States. Tami concurs with this plan: "being married is a small price to pay if I can stay in the land of Opportunity." But on her way to her ESL class, Tami meets Ike, an affable American working at Starbucks while he raises money to open his own chain of coffee shops.

In his debut novel, The Kite Runner, Khaled Hosseini accomplishes what very few contemporary novelists are able to do. He manages to provide an educational and eye-opening account of a country's political turmoil--in this case, Afghanistan--while also developing characters whose heartbreaking struggles and emotional triumphs resonate with readers long after the last page has been turned over. And he does this on his first try.

If you've ever paid off one credit card with another, thrown out a bill before opening it, or convinced yourself that buying at a two-for-one sale is like making money, then this silly, appealing novel is for you. In the opening pages of Confessions of a Shopaholic, recent college graduate Rebecca Bloomwood is offered a hefty line of credit by a London bank. Within a few months, Sophie Kinsella's heroine has exceeded the limits of this generous offer, and begins furtively to scan her credit-card bills at work, certain that she couldn't have spent the reported sums.
I must give a shout out to my nieces and nephews. Do you wanna know the best thing about writing for Young Adults? They are so energetic! Those of you who know my family know I have, like, 426 nieces and nephews. Many are teens and pre-teens. Anyway, last night, they seriously made my entire existence!
(Reading new revised ending during Thanksgiving)

Most of them have now read my book, and at the family dinner table last night they got talking about it. No, talking isn't the right word. More like, they got gooing, and fighting, and laughing, and quoting favorite lines, and gnashing teeth when I mentioned a possible change to the title, and arguing about which ending is better and which boy is cuter, and casting the "movie" version of ECHO, and did I mention QUOTING LINES?
I have to admit, I sat back and watched the discussion, and deep inside I was sorta hoping fist-fights would ensue. There is no higher compliment than readers who feel strongly about the characters!
Seriously, I got home and my ego couldn't fit inside the door. And then my huge head got stuck in the ceiling, so eventually I gave up and just let myself float toward the sky. Honestly, if nothing else happens with this book, I will still feel complete!
Although, when I made a "Sleestaks" joke, they looked at me like I was insanely old, which helped bring me back down to earth. So for all of you who have chosen to block those cherished memories of the best television show of the eighties, or for those of you who are too young to know what I'm talking about, enjoy the following video. And take note of the stellar special effects!
See if you can find:
1. Chaka
2. Sleestak
3. Very Realistic Dinosaur
Krofft Kwikies - Land of the Lost "Sleestak God"